Adversity is your Advantage

I think the struggles we all go through can change our life for the better.  We have a choice to take adversity and turn it into advantage.  Sometimes we just need to flip our mindset.  Problems can be solutions and your struggles can turn into growth.   We just want a quick fix. An instant solution to our weight gain,  a pint of Ben and Jerry's to numb our pain.  Instead we should lean into the uncomfortable and feel the emotions and grow from them.  

Instead of looking for a quick fix,  true success is earned one step at a time.  Being a little stubborn I had to learn through the school of hard knocks.   By sharing my lessons it might save you some bumps and bruises.  The best part is being able to look back and laugh at yourself. Learn to be vunerable, learn to love yourself and give yourself grace.  These lessons my friends are called Life.  

So here I was a junior in  college and  the doctor announced how overweight I was.  He literally asked me, "What happened to you?"  I felt crushed.  Feelings of inadequacy, failure, and shame begin to take hold of me.  I am FAT. How did I get this way?  After quitting gymnastics I thought I was home free from weigh- ins, judgement and constant worry was I enough, was I thin enough? After leaving the doctor's office I was devasted. I had no idea how to fix my weight issue.  All I knew before was training for competition not training for life.  My nutrition plan wasn't spot on either.    I think the late night honey buns, strawberry daiquiri's, donuts in the cafeteria and those orange cheeto's were a problem.  

I started searching for answers and some were in the wrong places.  Like the time I bought that rubber suit you work out in and sweat to death or the all you can eat diet, the low-fat diet, the starve yourself diet, the binge eating diet, the workout for hours plan followed by a hot fudge sundae.  I laugh at the time my friend and I drove through McDonalds for fries.  After we scarfed them we were too embarrassed to drive through again so we hit another McDonalds.  We didn't want to be recognized.  I was searching in all the wrong places for help.  There had to be a balance, a way to feel good, eat right and live inspired.  

Adversity is your Advantage!  If I had not gone through my own struggles with weight, self esteem, self-worth I would not be able to help the many women I work with today.  Stay tuned for the rest of the story....

