What I know for sure is less is More. The less we focus on what we have and focus on who we are the more fulfilling our lives will be. It is easy to get caught up in the busyness of life and strive to fill our life full of material things, numb our emotions with food, and avoid getting uncomfortable and dealing with our inner being. I challenge you to join me on a journey of growth, joy and personal development. As I share stories from my life I hope to inspire you to live your best life, let go of things that don't really matter and find your best self.
We all need a really great sense of humor to enjoy this journey we call life. Don't be afraid to laugh at yourself, and see the lessons your experiences can bring. I try to at least make some crazy faces in the mirror daily. If you know me I am sure you've seen a few of them! Laughter really is the best medicine, so next time you need a good laugh watch a rerun of your favorite comedy show, a skit from SNL, or call a friend that always makes you smile and enjoy a great big belly laugh! One of my favorite quotes is from Milton Berle- "Laughter is an instant vacation"
Don't take yourself too seriously, and have an awesome day!
Let's just say some days are better than others! Live your best life every day!