Journey of a Lifetime

I think I spent more time upside down than right side up as a kid.  My mom bought me a trampoline after I got a concussion from jumping on my bed and hitting my head.  The neighbors called the fire department when I climb the street light pole, only to slide down with no worries.  Maybe it was the time I jumped off the neighbors roof thinking I could fly that lead me to pursue gymnastics. Anyway, mom enrolled me in dance and gymnastics to channel my energy in a more positive way. Lol.

I feel in love with gymnastics, dance, and physical activity.  It was movement for my soul. It allowed me to express myself in a unique way and helped define who I am today.  I spent my childhood, teen years and part of college training.  Training for the Olympics I thought, when in fact it was training for life.  I have so many incredible memories from gymnastics and then I have some struggles the sport left me with. 

One of those was a poor body image and that feeling that I was never enough.   You may wonder how you go from being a super fit athlete to out of shape, and overweight and lack self confidence.   It happens.  Just like many of us life takes over and we forget to take care of ourselves, fuel our bodies well and we just wake up in a body we don't recognize. 

I woke up one day and decided I was sick and tired of struggling with my weight, body image and being out of shape.  Exhausted from worrying about what other people thought about my looks or my weight or letting the numbers on the scale determine my self worth, I decided to change. 

I never wanted to feel that way again.  My journey began...

Gymnastics 1979 age 19 I have very few pictures of my years in gymnastics.  Back then there just wasn't the availability for photo's like today.  

Gymnastics 1979 age 19 I have very few pictures of my years in gymnastics.  Back then there just wasn't the availability for photo's like today.  

What I know for sure

What I know for sure is less is More.  The less we focus on what we have and focus on who we are the more fulfilling our lives will be.   It is easy to get caught up in the busyness of life and strive to fill our life full of material things, numb our emotions with food, and avoid getting uncomfortable and dealing with our inner being.  I challenge you to join me on a journey of growth, joy and personal development. As I share stories from my life I hope to inspire you to live your best life, let go of things that don't really matter and find your best self. 

We all need a really great sense of humor to enjoy this journey we call life.  Don't be afraid to laugh at yourself, and see the lessons your experiences can bring.  I try to at least make some crazy faces in the mirror daily. If you know me I am sure you've seen a few of them!  Laughter really is the best medicine, so next time you need a good laugh watch a rerun of your favorite comedy show, a skit from SNL, or call a friend that always makes you smile and enjoy a great big belly laugh! One of my favorite quotes is from Milton Berle- "Laughter is an instant vacation"

 Don't take yourself too seriously, and have an awesome day!  



Let's just say some days are better than others! Live your best life every day!

Let's just say some days are better than others! Live your best life every day!